martes, 20 de mayo de 2014

Top 5 Centers Ever

Alongside the PG role, the center is the most important part of a team, or at least it was during the first decades of the NBA. The centers are the players who protect the rim, get rebounds, get physical, expand the floor and score easy buckets. These are the best:

5-Hakeem Olajuwon: "The Dream" was the most elegant big man ever. At times, he even looked as a point-guard. He destroyed defenses with his impeccable post moves and his outstanding footwork. He got Houston their only two banners, and on the way won the MVP and the Defensive Player of the Year in the same season. He ended up his playing days as a member of the Toronto Raptors with a young Vince Carter.

4-Wilt Chamberlain: "The Big Dipper" is probably the best player ever when it comes to filling a stat sheet. He "only" won two rings and four MVPs during his time in Philly and Los Angeles, but he still holds more than 70 NBA records such as scoring 100 points in a game, averaging 40 a game for an entire season or getting 55 rebounds in a single game. Nonetheless, he averaged 30 points, 22 rebounds and 4 assists a game.

3-Bill Russell: if Wilt is, by stats, the best ever, Bill is the same when it comes to winning. I could spend a lot of time explaining his style of play, his defensive skills and whatsoever, but saying that he won 11 rings, including one as a rookie sums it up. Yes, there were only eight teams back then, and the Celtics were head and shoulders above the other seven, but 11 is pretty impressive no matter how you look at it.

2-Shaquille O´Neal: "The Diesel" must be, if not the most, one of the most dominant players ever. His power, his force and his aggresive manners got him into some trouble..., but they also got him four rings, two MVPs and a large list of accolades. His partnership with Kobe Bryant ended up in a three-peat for the Lakers, before parting ways and winning yet another one in Miami in 06´.

1-Kareem-Abdul Jabbar: truly named Lew Alcindor, this man has probably had the richest career in basketball history. From his three college titles to his six championships in the NBA, as well as his record-setting six MVPs and being the number one scorer ever earned him a larger-than-life reputation. He played 19 seasons and averaged 25 points, 11 rebounds and to blocks, becoming the best well-rounded post player that has played the game. Also, his famous "Sky-Hook" is the most famous offensive move ever.

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